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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines

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Precautions for Customizing Saw Blades of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine

  • Time of issue:2023-06-28 15:14

(Summary description)Precautions for Customizing Saw Blades of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine

Precautions for Customizing Saw Blades of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine

(Summary description)Precautions for Customizing Saw Blades of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine

  • Time of issue:2023-06-28 15:14

Precautions for Customizing Saw Blades of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine


Nowadays, as we all know, when customizing saw blades, we must pay attention to some detailed descriptions, especially when submitting customized drawings. We must double check. If there are any discrepancies, the produced saw blades will affect the effectiveness of use, and in severe cases, they may not be able to function properly.
Number of teeth and tooth shape
When customizing the saw blade, it is necessary to provide a detailed explanation of the number and shape of teeth, and confirm multiple times. If the number or shape of teeth is incorrect, it is very easy to cause tooth breakage or cracking during sawing, and even cannot be used directly; For the number or shape of teeth, please refer to the "Selection of Tooth Number for Metal Circular Saw Blades"
Selection of thickness when customizing saw blades
The thickness of the saw blade, also known as the saw seam, is too thick, which can cause material waste, and too thin, which can cause unstable cutting. Therefore, it is necessary to explain clearly. If you are not very familiar with it, you can tell the manufacturer your own requirements, and the customized manufacturer will also make judgments based on experience.
The diameter size of the saw blade
This is simple and can be designed based on different sizes of materials (the sizes of saw blades used for sawing materials of different sizes must correspond to each other).
Material for making saw blades
When customizing saw blades, it is necessary to determine which material to use based on the cut material, such as high-speed steel, hard alloy, or cold saw blades. When customizing saw blades, it is also necessary to make them according to different materials.
Selection of coating for customized saw blades
The selection of coatings is also based on the data of the cut material, and different coatings have different effects. By grasping the materials, the characteristics and advantages of the saw blade can be better utilized.
Equipment used
The equipment largely determines the saw blade to be used, so when customizing the saw blade, it is necessary to explain which equipment to use, in order to improve the corresponding efficiency when making the saw blade.
Foshan Lidexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in saw blade grinding machines, TCT saw blade grinding machines, fully automatic saw blade grinding machines, CNC saw blade grinding machines, saw blade grinding machines, TCT saw blade grinding machines, multi blade saw grinding machines, and other saw blade grinding machines.



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QQ Email:1150353041@qq.com
Contact:Mr. Tu(0086 13823458229) Miss Lei(0086 13690538372
Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City


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