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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines
Operating Skills of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine
- Time of issue:2023-08-22 20:04
(Summary description)Operating Skills of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine
Operating Skills of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine
(Summary description)Operating Skills of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine
- Time of issue:2023-08-22 20:04
Operating Skills of Alloy Saw Blade Grinding Machine
1. Tooth adjustment knob: Sometimes, before the grinding is completed, due to inaccurate alignment of the grinding wheel or other reasons, the front angle of the serration is ground too large or not ground to the front angle of the serration (skilled personnel can judge from the grinding sound). At this time, it is necessary to make clockwise or counterclockwise fine adjustments, fine adjustments, and small adjustments (important to say three times). The grinding wheel adjusts the tooth adjustment knob to make the front angle of the serration light, and the back angle of the serration slightly heavy, until the overall polishing is completed.
2. Tooth depth adjustment button: Before the grinding is completed, turn the tooth depth adjustment button clockwise in an appropriate amount to make the tooth depth slightly shallower. Be careful not to use a grinding wheel to break the blade, and then grind and polish at a constant speed for a while, which is beneficial for improving the grinding quality of the blade. There is another point to note for improving grinding quality: slow speed grinding has better quality and efficiency than fast speed grinding.
3. Grinding wheel thickness: In most grinding scenarios, a 1.0 thick grinding wheel can solve the problem, but if the teeth are too small or too large, it is necessary to choose a thinner or thicker grinding wheel. The thinner grinding wheel is a few tenths of a thickness, and the thicker grinding wheel is a few tenths to two tenths of a thickness.
4. Dust prevention is also a key issue for this machine. If the rubber parts are aged or damaged, please contact the sales team in a timely manner to replace them.
5. It is recommended to use the grinding wheel start stop adjustment button and grinding speed adjustment button to control the start and stop of the machine. Frequent switching on and off of the power button will shorten the lifespan of the motor control components.
Foshan Lidexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in saw blade grinding machines, alloy saw blade grinding machines, fully automatic saw blade grinding machines, CNC saw blade grinding machines, saw blade grinding machines, alloy saw blade grinding machines, multi blade saw grinding machines, and other saw blade grinding machines.
Tel:0086 757-82800952 Fax:0086 757-82800953
QQ Email:1150353041@qq.com
Contact:Mr. Tu(0086 13823458229) Miss Lei(0086 13690538372)
Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City
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