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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines

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Introduction to carbide alloy saw blade gear grinding machine chain saw accessories system

  • Time of issue:2019-05-17 08:54

(Summary description)Introduction to carbide TCT saw blade gear grinding machine chain saw accessories system

Introduction to carbide alloy saw blade gear grinding machine chain saw accessories system

(Summary description)Introduction to carbide TCT saw blade gear grinding machine chain saw accessories system

  • Time of issue:2019-05-17 08:54
Introduction to carbide TCT saw blade gear grinding machine chain saw accessories system
1. Control system
Including the rear handlebar, front handlebar, throttle hook, throttle trigger, trigger spring, trigger control arm, trigger lock, circuit switch, damper lever, brake assembly, etc.
2, power system
Including cylinders, pistons, piston rings, piston pins, piston pin needle bearings, crankshafts, crankcases, etc.
3. Intake system
Includes air filter, air intake (aluminum), etc.
4, oil supply system
Including fuel tank, fuel filter, fuel pipe, carburetor, carburetor bracket, intake hose, intake plastic pad, crankcase, vacuum nozzle, intake pipe, etc.
5, the ignition system
Flywheels, high pressure packs, spark plugs, etc.
6, exhaust system
Includes silencer and more.
7, start the system
Including the starting handle, starting rope, starting rope wheel, starting spring, dial block and so on.
8, air cooling system
Including flywheels, shrouds, large hoods, cylinder fins, carburetor insulation mats, etc.
9, lubrication system
Including sump (crankcase), oil filter, oil pipe, oil pump, fuel injector, turbine and so on.
10, clutch system
Including clutches, clutch discs (passive discs), sprocket needle bearings, sprocket flat washers, etc.
How to deal with the distortion of the saw blade of the carbide saw blade?
    Correction of the sector distortion: its distortion extends to the center of the saw body in a fan shape, also known as the "four big fans." The key to the defect correction is to correctly check and determine the extent of the defect boundary, that is, the limit of the tightness of the inspection port. It is necessary to check not only the difference in the degree of appropriateness between the two, but also the difference in the internal tension between them. Mark the chalk. The part with a large degree of suffocation swindles the outer half of the radius (except for the soft one), and the small part of the squat radius (hard squat) is sometimes gently hammered near the flange. Increase the degree of fit after reaching the level of the saw surface.


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QQ Email:1150353041@qq.com
Contact:Mr. Tu(0086 13823458229) Miss Lei(0086 13690538372
Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City


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