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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines

LDX-020 (A) automatic swing angle front and rear angle grinding machine


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LDX-020 (A) automatic swing angle front and rear angle grinding machine

LDX-020(A)automaticswinganglefrontandrearanglegrindingmachine Technicalfeatures:Thisequipmentspecializesinwoodworkingalloysawbladesandwoodworkingmulti-bladesaws.Itcangrindthealloycircularsawbladebetweenthediametersof¢100-¢800.Itiseasytooperateandcanfullyextendtheservicelifeofthealloycircularsawblades.Eachpiececanberepeated.Used15-30times,thisequipmenthasbeenwellreceivedbymanybuyers. TechnicalParameters:Processingsawbladediameterrange:¢100-800mmSawbladeaperture:¢10-220mmSawbladethickness(steelplate):1-7mmPitch:7-100mmToothsurfaceangle:5°~+30°Tipbackangle:6-45°Leftandrightinclinationofthetooth:toothtop/toothsurface45°Sharpeningstrokerange:upto25mm(adjustable)teeth/minuteSharpeningspeed:0.5-6mm/sWorkingspeed:maximum20teeth/minuteGrindingwheelsize(outerdiameterxhole):(¢125mmx¢32mm)Negativechamfergrinding:-27°Grindingheadcanrotateangle:90°and180°Grindingwheellinespeed:26m/sCoolantpumpflow: 501/minCoolingtankvolume: 85LTotalpower:1.85kwVoltage: three-phase380vMechanicalweight:600KGMechanicalsize(lengthXwidthXheight): 1400X1300X1800mm productdetailpresentation:
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Product description
LDX-020 (A) automatic swing angle front and rear angle grinding machine

Technical features:

This equipment specializes in woodworking alloy saw blades and woodworking multi-blade saws. It can grind the TCT circular saw blade between the diameters of ¢100-¢800. It is easy to operate and can fully extend the service life of the TCT circular saw blades. Each piece can be repeated. Used 15-30 times, this equipment has been well received by many buyers.

Technical Parameters:

Processing saw blade diameter range: ¢100-800mm
Saw blade aperture: ¢10-220mm
Saw blade thickness (steel plate): 1-7mm
Pitch: 7-100mm
Tooth surface angle: 5°~+30°
Tip back angle: 6-45°
Left and right inclination of the tooth: tooth top / tooth surface 45°
Sharpening stroke range: up to 25mm (adjustable) teeth / minute
Sharpening speed: 0.5-6mm/s
Working speed: maximum 20 teeth / minute
Grinding wheel size (outer diameter x hole): (¢125mmx¢32mm)
Negative chamfer grinding: -27°
Grinding head can rotate angle: 90°and 180°
Grinding wheel line speed: 26m/s
Coolant pump flow:  501/min
Cooling tank volume:  85L
Total power: 1.85kw
Voltage:  three-phase 380v
Mechanical weight: 600KG
Mechanical size (length X width X height):  1400X1300X1800mm


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QQ Email:1150353041@qq.com
Contact:Mr. Tu(0086 13823458229) Miss Lei(0086 13690538372
Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City


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