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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines

LDX-021Carbide saw blade front angle grinding machine


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LDX-021Carbide saw blade front angle grinding machine

Processingsawbladethickness1-8mmWorkingspeed18teeth/minSawbladethickness(steelplate)1-7mmPitch30-150mmGrindingwheelsize¢125mm ×32mmGrindingwheellinespeed:26m/sCoolantpumpflow50l/minCoolingtankvolume80LTotalpower3kwVoltagethree-phase380vMechanicalweight:700KGProductspecificdescription:1.Themaingrindingobjectofthismachine:alloybandsawblade,bi-metalbandsawblade,framesawblade,width30mm-150mmcanbeused.TheCNCmachineiscompact.Itcangrindvarioustoothshapes,suchas3-4teeth,4/6teeth,variableteethandotherteeth,etc.Itisequippedwithautomaticfeedcuttingfluidcoolingwater,whichcaneffectivelypreventthealloyofthetipfromgeneratinghightemperatureduringthegrindingprocess.Thephenomenonoftoothlossalsoplaystheroleofrustpreventionandcleaning,improvesthesharpnessofthetipalloy,prolongstheservicelifeofthegrindingwheel,andmaintainsthesamesizeofthetoothtip,sothatthecuttingofthewoodisalwaysfreeofscratches.Machinetoolsandequipmentthatareindispensableintheprocessing,machining,steelprocessing,alloysawbladegrindingandotherindustries.2.Thismachineissimpleandconvenienttooperate.Itissuitableforlarge,mediumandsmallmachineryfactories,woodprocessing,steelsawingandprocessingplants,alloybandsawblades,bi-metalbandsawblades,andframesawblades.Re-usetheoldalloysawbladetoreducewasteofresources.Theuser-friendlyoperationman-machineinterfacemakestheoperatoreasytounderstandandmakesiteasierfortheoperatortouse.Theprecisionimportedcrossrailguidestheliftingandlowering,whichmakesthesawblademoreaccurate.Thehydraulicsawbladetensionstheautomaticsystemtoensurethatthesawbladeisinoptimaltensionatalltimesandextendsthelifeofthesawblade. productdetailpresentation:
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Product description
Processing saw blade thickness 1-8mm
Working speed 18 teeth/min
Saw blade thickness (steel plate) 1-7mm
Pitch 30-150mm
Grinding wheel size ¢125mm ×32mm
Grinding wheel line speed: 26m/s
Coolant pump flow 50l/min
Cooling tank volume 80L
Total power 3kw
Voltage three-phase 380v
Mechanical weight: 700KG

Product specific description:

1. The main grinding object of this machine: alloy band saw blade, bi-metal band saw blade, frame saw blade, width 30mm-150mm can be used. The CNC machine is compact. It can grind various tooth shapes, such as 3-4 teeth, 4/6 teeth, variable teeth and other teeth, etc. It is equipped with automatic feed cutting fluid cooling water, which can effectively prevent the alloy of the tip from generating high temperature during the grinding process. The phenomenon of tooth loss also plays the role of rust prevention and cleaning, improves the sharpness of the tip alloy, prolongs the service life of the grinding wheel, and maintains the same size of the tooth tip, so that the cutting of the wood is always free of scratches. Machine tools and equipment that are indispensable in the processing, machining, steel processing, alloy saw blade grinding and other industries.

2. This machine is simple and convenient to operate. It is suitable for large, medium and small machinery factories, wood processing, steel sawing and processing plants, alloy band saw blades, bi-metal band saw blades, and frame saw blades. Re-use the old alloy saw blade to reduce waste of resources. The user-friendly operation man-machine interface makes the operator easy to understand and makes it easier for the operator to use. The precision imported cross rail guides the lifting and lowering, which makes the saw blade more accurate. The hydraulic saw blade tensions the automatic system to ensure that the saw blade is in optimal tension at all times and extends the life of the saw blade.


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Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City


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