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Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Foshan Li Dexin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of TCT circular saw blades, TCT band saw blades, finger joint knives, flying knives, various non-standard CNC grinding machine production lines

LDX-028(A) Full-automatic CNC double-grinding-head side angle gear grinding machine


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LDX-028(A) Full-automatic CNC double-grinding-head side angle gear grinding machine

LDX-028(A)Full-automaticCNCdouble-grinding-headsideanglegeargrindingmachine Technicalcharacteristics:AnintuitiveandsimplewholeChineseoperationinterfaceismatchedwithalarge-sizedtouchscreen,sotheequipmentiseasiertooperate,andallpresetproceduresorself-compiledproceduresaremoreconvenienttocall;theservotoolsettingdevicefeaturesaccuratepositioning,sotheproductgrindingaccuracyisgreatlyensured.Duetotheadoptionofhigh-qualityandhigh-accuracycastingsandmachinedparts,theservicelifeoftheequipmentisgreatlyprolonged,andtheequipmentissimpleandeasytooperateandmaintain;onepersoncanoperatemanypiecesofequipmentatthesametime,sotheproductionefficiencyisgreatlyimproved,andthecostisreduced. Technicalparameters:Sawwebmachiningdiameterrange:100~800mmSawwebborediameter: 12~220mmThicknessofsawweb(steelplate):1-7mmToothpitch: 5-80mmFrontinclinationangle,inclinationangle:5°-15°Radialangle:3°-15°Operatingspeed:18teeth/minFeedingstroke: 1-28mm(steplessvariablespeed)Grindingwheeldimensions: 80X100X32mmGrindingspeed:26mCoolantpumpflux:501/minCoolantcylindervolume:90LTotalpower: 4.3kwVoltage:Three-phase380vWeight: 1100KGOuterdiameterdimensions:1.75X1.4X2.0m productdetailpresentation:
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Product description

LDX-028(A) Full-automatic CNC double-grinding-head side angle gear grinding machine


Technical characteristics:

An intuitive and simple whole Chinese operation interface is matched with a large-sized touch screen, so the equipment is easier to operate, and all preset procedures or self-compiled procedures are more convenient to call; the servo tool setting device features accurate positioning, so the product grinding accuracy is greatly ensured. Due to the adoption of high-quality and high-accuracy castings and machined parts, the service life of the equipment is greatly prolonged, and the equipment is simple and easy to operate and maintain; one person can operate many pieces of equipment at the same time, so the production efficiency is greatly improved, and the cost is reduced.

Technical parameters:

Saw web machining diameter range: 100~800mm
Saw web bore diameter:  12~220mm
Thickness of saw web (steel plate): 1-7mm
Tooth pitch:  5-80mm
Front inclination angle, inclination angle: 5°-15°
Radial angle: 3°-15°
Operating speed: 18 teeth/min
Feeding stroke:  1-28mm (stepless variable speed)
Grinding wheel dimensions:  80X100X32mm
Grinding speed: 26m
Coolant pump flux: 501/min
Coolant cylinder volume: 90L
Total power:  4.3kw
Voltage: Three-phase 380v
Weight:  1100KG
Outer diameter dimensions: 1.75X1.4X2.0m


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Tel:0086 757-82800952     Fax:0086 757-82800953 
QQ Email:1150353041@qq.com
Contact:Mr. Tu(0086 13823458229) Miss Lei(0086 13690538372
Add:No. 3, South District, Luanhe Industrial Zone, Luocun, Nanhai District, Foshan City


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